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The personal blog of "Adum Jane" Hello there. Long time no see. I have been on a hiatus for a longer time than I am comfortable with. I'm not saying I'm going to come back. No I won't. To deduction? Maybe. To blogging? Unlikely. I just want to say thanks for the community. It's been a fun ride. Personal Stuff This isn't a usual post. I don't usually do this. I kinda need to vent a little bit. I have a lack of trust for human beings. I know people and how they think. Human beings are fucking disgusting when you think about it. We lie, we cheat, we harm others of our kind intentionally, we betray. The sheer amount of ranting I could do about human nature is a disgusting amount. I fucking hate myself. I'm a human being. I Have flaws. Just like you. I am a stupid piece of shit. Every single human flaw I can make I make. It's starting to really piss me off. I am a piece of shit. NOT just subconsciously. I do it on purpose. OK I usually do it to peo
Recent posts

Hot reading

 Hot reading, as I define it is a mentalist technique that relies on information collected mid-reading by facila expreassions and such to get a reading. This technique is very facinating and I find it very useful in everyday life. As I've mentioned there is a friend of mine that has very apparent and readable body language. So I started to conduct body language analysis and simple hot reading like guessing the colour they're thinking of. There was this one time where she told me that her favourite colour was pink and then after I guessed pink and then guessed red. (NOTE: people always think about their favourite colour and then a general colour (red blue yellow or green)). Hot reading isn't really for deductionists because it's a mentalist thing. I've been acting and thinking like a mentalist for the past few weeks and it's pretty nice. I've been conducting more hot and cold readings. I often see when people are lying and act on it. It's becoming easy to

Newfound skills

 For today, I decided to go with my older format of telling what has been happenning to me scecifically. So here I am.  I've made a new friend recently. She has very readable body-language, so naturally I messed with her using that. "Read her mind" according to her. It was a lot like mentalism, so I did it way more frequently and began to do it with other people. I believe this is called "hot reading" we'll get into that in another entry.  I also learnt how to consciously observe and be present or be mindful. It has helped me with memory and such. Making mental notes of the things I see like I'd write them down into my notebook really helped me with memory. I've been seeing, but haven't been understanding what I've been seeing. I don't know what caused me to find this newfound skill, but I'm glad I did.  I've also became a good logician. Following natural lines of reasoning is a thing I've been implementing into my deduction s

The comparison and analysis of Sherlock Holmes and Patrick Jane

 I've already did an entry on this in the past but it way too shallow. I wasn;t able to relly reflect on the structute of both characters I mentioned. These 2 characters are way different from each other, but have a surprising lot in common. Introducing: Sherlock Holmes Since he appeared out of thin air in the study of scarlet , he has been a pioneer of deduction in pop culture with over 200 actors having portrayed him. When someone asks a normie to name a deductionist They will either ask what deduction is, or say Sherlock Holmes. Holmes is a keen observer of such small details, and a really quick thinker. A lot of videos on youtube on the topic of deduction are titled something like: "How to think like Sherlock Holmes" and not "How to deduce". This is  understandable, because everyone knows Sherlock Holmes, but very few know about deduction except the tax meaning. What I'm trying to say is that Sherlock, the deerhunter hat and the pipe, is deduction in th

Weekly observations week 2 & 3

 I was too lazy to post the week I finished those weeks observations.The next 3 weeks will have body language observations.Anyways here are the last 2 weeks of the observation phase. I will hopefully be able to post some the next week: Children's socks on a girl my age 3 vegetable pencilcases 1 tech fleece guy grey britain hoodie blunt nails on 3 girls clear posture An obese guy that goes to the gym A guy playing with mini BMX A sports Yersey  Bad makeup on a girl exadgerating the eyebrows Lot of people drinking capri sun Cyan hoodie military 4 people doing their homework in the morning frustration clearly displaying  Happy Deducing!  

Luxury items

 Luxury items are things that we get on our birthday, for christmas or as a gift. Basically something that we cant afford to just casually buy or replace, something we treasure. You can easily deduce these by how it is kept in shape. A really glossy watch without a scratch on it can give you that it is expansive, but a person who can easily afford this wouldn't care for it like their life depends on it. From being able to identify luxury items, you can get and idea of who they got it from, for what occasion. When you are faced with  incompetent imbeciles that have no regard for price or money for that matter, it is way harder to tell. Luxury items are things that you won't come across too much, but being able to identify them and finding things off of it will defienetely help you. This is why this entry was so short. Happy Deducing!

Reddit deductions Part 2

 Now. The title of the blog is "Tales of an aspiring deductionist". I've been a smartass before and I am sorry for doing that. The best way to learn is to teach. That's why I'm a smartass. I've been  a deductionist for more than half a year and I'm still dogshit. I don't know everything I just try to share the knowledge that I've learnt throughout that time period.  With what out odf the way, we are moving on to my reddit deduction that I'll explain the steps and premises of. The picture I deduced was this: I wasn't able to get too much, but I'll settle with this. I ammiediately noticed the male atmospere of the room, and the male underwear on the floor. Then my eyes floated towards the dog picture on the wall. What sane person hangs up a framed picture of dogs when they don't like them, so naturally I think they're a dog person. They're unorganized. I got that from the lack of order of shirts in the closet. A "muggle&q