So, for fun, I started writing a book. It`s very Sherlock Holmesy. I got my own little twist on it by adding some attributes from The Mentalist. That is because in my three favourite shows there is both BBC Sherlock AND The Mentalist. The third one is The office but the no. 1. I implemented some, but not so much of my attributes.
It is basically a blog. The personal blog of Timothy Coates. It plays after he went trough a rough break-up and starts to solve crimes (or document them) with his roomate and friend Arthur Cene. I`ve already got some of the first case where a machanic is killed because a client that robbed an ATM left some of major evidence against him in his car, that he gave to the machanic for surveillance. I`ve got he majority of the part before the first case.
Also I`ve been planning to go outside into the city today because I want to practice some of my methods. Speaking of methods, I think I can read clothes now. The method I basically about checking the most streched points like the hip or the elbow or the shoulders, to determine how used it is, and the shade of the fabric and overall quality to know how old it is.
Also also, I wanted to talk about a fun deduction I made. Basically I was cycling to kayak practice when I noticed two people walking thru the sidewalk. They were a male and female. What I observed: Same height, simillar face structure, not walking close, same primary hand (boy had left hand in pocket, girl had purse in left hand) around 15-16. What I deduced: closely related, probably siblings. Same height and same age, that means twins. It was a passing deduction so maybe I got something wrong or didn`t check right or didn`t remember right.
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