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Showing posts from August, 2023

Mode of work & where I`ve been

 So. I`ve been practicing for some time and I`m overall satisfied with how I`m doing. I`ve gotten way better at body language. Now I can deduce people I know and overall deduce better. I`ve found that I can get a decently hard deduction sometimes, people`s occupation. That, just very loosely.  I haven`t written here because I went on a kayak race and had a little break after.  I`ve been doing these deductions for around a month. What I am good at is getting people`s: income, primary hand and age, also IF they`re a  tourist or not, also some cues from body language: who they like, don`t like maybe even if they`re lying or not. I`m still having some trouble in observation but practice makes perfect. Wait, let me correct myself. Practice makes conscistent, not perfect. I also found the subreddit: r/deduction. They post things you can deduce. I couldn`t really deduce them because they`re usually too high level for me. How I work: Basically how I learnt to deduce from different videos and s


 I went out on the streets today with my friend to try to tead people. Because my friend didn`t want to walk aroud on the same spot and she had to go places, we split up. She went home and I continued my practice. I had to keep in mind one thing. Mor specifically a quote from Sherlock Holmes. " One shall not twist facts to suit theories but rather, theories to suit facts." I walked around casually and sat down on some benches. I went to drink tea at a coffee shop later. My deductions  I got the usual. I mainly looked for the primary hand and age. I started guessing the jobs of people, what they were doing etc. I think I got them accurate. For example there was this one guy around late 50`s walking around, screaming in his phone from his stride he wasn`t hurrying anywhere but from the stressful screaming and it being a workday I concluded he had a stressful job, like a salesman or a banker. Ialso noticed on tourists that they have veins on the back of their legs. The cause of

What is going on & problems

 It is early August. That means there are a lot of tourists. Basically tourist season. Beacause I have to prctice everywhere I go, I deduce people. Usually with passing deductions, but when I go on the field just to deduce, that is going to change because I`ve been planning to go out in the city just to try to read people. When I`m doing these passing deductions I usually go for the simple stuff, like primary hand and field of work, relationships between people etcetera, very simple stuff. Lately a frequent question appeared: Are they a tourist? A lot of times I can answer that question based on the clothes and smell and they`re usually in groups. Trust me you can tell. I have a problem. Not just one, a lot. I come to realizations that I am not actually that good. I can`t read non-verbal cues or observe nor know what to look for. All I can read is attire and that not very well either. That is why I need to study people and practice. The bad thing is that I don`t know what means what in