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Mode of work & where I`ve been

 So. I`ve been practicing for some time and I`m overall satisfied with how I`m doing. I`ve gotten way better at body language. Now I can deduce people I know and overall deduce better. I`ve found that I can get a decently hard deduction sometimes, people`s occupation. That, just very loosely. 

I haven`t written here because I went on a kayak race and had a little break after. 

I`ve been doing these deductions for around a month. What I am good at is getting people`s: income, primary hand and age, also IF they`re a  tourist or not, also some cues from body language: who they like, don`t like maybe even if they`re lying or not. I`m still having some trouble in observation but practice makes perfect. Wait, let me correct myself. Practice makes conscistent, not perfect. I also found the subreddit: r/deduction. They post things you can deduce. I couldn`t really deduce them because they`re usually too high level for me.

How I work:

Basically how I learnt to deduce from different videos and such: I look at the shoes first, look for some different mud or something unusual, go up to the knees, could have some grass stains or some other kind of unusual thing, go up to the hands, look for a ring, something under the fingernails, really anything unusual, proceed up to the shoulders, check for something and then look at the whole jacket if there is one, finally going up to the face and from the wrinkles and such determine te age and charisma, lastly go over the whole body again, check out the clothes` age and usedness and move on to the body laguage part. You can do the body language first of course. Do the same bottom to top approach and you are set and ready to get the data you collected into theories. You can find how to do that in one of my previous posts.



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