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Showing posts from September, 2023


 Alright I think i`ve got some explaining to do. I haven`t been writing this because of school and I`m really busy. This does not mean I`m not deducing, I am, but a moderate amount only because I keep forgetting and I`m not meeting any new people and I basically only rely on nonverbals wich I don`t think is too good for my deducing 'techique', wich hasn`t been going so good I basically forgot a lot of things about all the other sources I gather info from and I only rely on body language wich is supposed to be my last resort when it comes to it.  I read "The dictionary of body language" by Joe Navarro and it was a very fun and useful read for a deductionist like me. I do not know if too much body language is healthy but I try to get info from other sources. Maybe every deductionist has to create their own style of deduction for their specific personality. If it`s that I don`t know maybe I have already created it and I don`t know or I don`t have the experience and capac

I`m back baby

 So, I haven`t written anything here in a while. It is not because I lost interest in deduction, but because I was lazy to go out and find subjects to bractice on. Now I`m in school again and I meet other people so I have some opportunity for practice. Practice I did. I have told you guys about the reddit page, but now I can work on live subjects. I have been working on how to get observation and deduction as kind of an instinct. It works, but only a little. I have preety much abandoned my old mode of work, witch I am planning to get back to, and got to just deducing what I can. I usually deduce these things age primary hand work/study income pets partner body language baseline I do deduce some other things, but these, I always try to do. I`ve gotten better with rooms but not with people. I am working on improving with people because it is a very useful skill to have. People have warned me not to do this hobby, because it`s none of my business or it creates bad predations, but I ignore