I didn't explain what deduction was in any of my posts. I decided that, I didn't write anything in my first posts, I'll just do it now, that I have a better perception of the art.
Deduction is a form of resoning in it's most bland form. It is basically taking two facts and combinig them into a conclusion. Deduction, the hobby or the art, or science, whatever you want to call it, Is and isn't the same. You observe virtually anything and then getting them into a conclusion. For example: you see a guy that is doing something with his right hand. Fact no. 1 is people who are right handed usually do anything more complex with their right hand, because it's the more dominant. Fact no. 2 is that he is doing something with his right hand. Conclusion: he is right handed. Deductive reasoning is a very strong kind of resoning because it builds up the walls of your argument, that is unbreakable. Deduction as a hobby does basically the same thing, but with less integrity, because you're kind of making assumptions.
Deduction is a very hard and time consuming hobby. First you have to learn to observe correctly and then learn to do something with the observations you've made. I've been doing this for the past four months and I became a beginner at it. ONLY a beginner. I do think I came a long way. People were skeptical, but I didn't care. More about that in a later entry. You can do it like me, have an on-off thing with this, or be consistent. You will learn it. Every person getting ino deduction has a viewof how easy it can be. |Every person can go through a dduction when having fed the information. They think it's easy because they've seen Sherlock ( like I have) and think it's a piece of cake and end up putting down the hobby because they didn't even know how to deduce a primary hand on their first time.
What I'm trying to say is, that it takes time to learn this. That's all I wanted to say.
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