My frequent readers know at this point, that I enjoy being a smartass. I will build on that by being a smartass about body language. Now, since I started deducing I was never too good on the topic. Especially in the early days, being a complete newbie and trying to deduce body language with 1 single youtube video wasn't a good idea and I'm completely against what I had back then. Now I've gotten pretty good at body language and can even teach some of my friends about it. Now I'll explain what I have.
Body language really only builds on the 2 instincts of humans. Fight and flight. Flight can be tricky because you can't just run away when faced with someone you don't like. Rather, you try to pacify yourself with various little motions, that when seen with the untrained eye, are just random motions. These little motions are called "pacifiers". Fight is irrelevant. I just wanted to build up the explanation.
Now. All of what I'm saying along with what I learnt, mostly comes from the book The dictionary of body language by joe navarro along with some that I've experienced.
Fantastic pacifiers and where to find them
Pacifiers are found everywhere and can be recognised pretty easily with having the basic knowledge and examples of what it is. Pacifiers are basically touching yourself where the most nerve receptors are. For example: biting or touching your lips. The concept of body language really delves into biological knowledge and logic. You really don't have to know the specifics about what is what, in most cases. You know pacifiers when you see them. It really requires two things, to read body language. Observation and a basic understanding of the concept. Also, look for where the nerve ending are (lips,fingers,face).
Some pacifiers aren't so obvious and I'm going to explain them.
Keep in mind that pacifiers are just for relieving stress, and the meaning of them rely on context. Keep in mind that CONTEXT IS KEY with that in mind, I'll move on to explaining the different and odd things you see on the field.
Different cues and what they mean.
Crossed arms
Crossed arms are widely considered to be a sign of dislike. This is what it means in dating culture and blah blah blah. That is bullshit. It is pretty far from that. We really differentiate 2 kinds of arm crossings. The one where the hand(s) are visible and where they're not.
When the hand(s) are visible, we are keeping something away from our body, our vital organs. This generally means distress. This is at least how I experienced it.
When the hands aren't visible and they're closer and tighter together, means it's a pacifying action, a self hug of sorts.
"Gooper's Delight"
Gooper's delight is an indicator that someone is lying. They think they've fooled you so some kind of smile appears on their face when talking, or after they're done talking. Now, don't think everyone has direct signs of lying. We don't, we have pecifiers. We relieve stress. As I said context is key.
Hands on the hips
Hands on the hips, just as crossed arms, can mean various things according to the placement of something. In this case the position of the thumbs are key to understanding this hand placement. When the thumbs are visible and not in the back, it generally means confidence. When the thumbs are facing back and aren't visible, it means either wanting to look confident, or a pacifier.
Brushing hair
Pacifier, that lets more oxygen into the head, or can be a sign of flirtyness. I just thought it was interestings,
To have a clearer picture
Not all cues are necesserilly pacifiers. There are some that let you understand a person's character and have a better understanding of their thoughts and feelings. Deduction isn't just about getting to know people, it's also about getting to know the psyche. Keep what I said, in mind. Work on being a better deductionist. Don't give up. Keep going. If you're a beginner, don't let people intimidate you. Don't compare yourself to other people. Keep going on your own track. Just remember to keep going. I'm going to have longer posts.Until then...
Happy Deducing!
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