Intuition. It's a thing that, if trained generally helps you with getting to know people. Also, looking through them. I'm currently working on the latter. Intuition is nothing that is like deduction, more like guessing. Very good guessing. In the show The Mentalist the protagonist, Patrick Jane uses his power of guesswork?
He uses what is called intuition and a fair bit of deduction. We'll get to that later. Now intuition is something that is quite trainable. I'm on the road of training it. Intuition is something that works subconsciously. You look at a person and it just happens. People often confuse intuition and deduction with presumption, and that is often thought of as "being racist". This slides into the social dilemma of deduction, that I'm probabli going to do an entry on.
How intuition works
It basically works like this: You look at a person that is wearing very vibrant coloured clothes. A natural reaction in your brain is "This person mustn't be shy or introverted". It might just be a bad example or explanation, but I don't really understand how it works, or frankly I don't thing anyone does. We haven't really made that much scientific progress regarding the psyche.
How I train it
Intuition is observation and observation, when progressed, is a deduction. That means deduction just trains your ituition regardless of you wanting to train it. The other things I have to do is ask myself, my intuition questions. "Who is this guy?" or "Why is she holding her own hand?". I did some research and found some more thing that I think are trash and won't use them.
Intuition and deduction
Untuition and deduction, when looked at with an untrained eye of a normal person, is the same. That is untrue. intuition happens subconscously and deduction is done conscously. Deduction might slip into intuiton partially, when done a lot and for a long time. It may or may not be that deduction turns into just using your intuiton. That is something that happens when you've done deduction for years.
Deduction and intuition, for now can't be confused, fused, yes. I use deduction and intuiton at the same time. Athough you can't rely on just intuiton, it can help a lot at adding a bit of foundation.
That is it for now...
Happy deducing!
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