Exuces, excuses I know, I know. I have been very focused on my personal life, because things are turning for the better. I am always observant and I try to deduce as much as I can. I just happen to not write any down.
Getting to the topic of today's entry, we have other's opinions. When I started deduction I really didn't have any backlash because I was only starting out, but now that I got at least intermediate I got some.
Firstly, they thought I was just guessing, because I always explained it as "looking at people and determining things". Wich is untrue as hell, because I already explained to you guys that intuition isn't used as much and I'm not guessing. Then came the accusations
They said I was making presumptions. Wich is just... I don't really know about this one, but it's got a little truth in it, but until I look at things objectively this just simply stays untue. The other thing was me being a psycopath. I really can't react to this except just thinking it's utter bullshit. The third one was me being some kind of psychiatrist. This is actually a very interesting thing, because I kind of am. I study the human mind. To be honest troughout this whole course of studying deduction, I learnt a lot about the human psyche and how it interacts with the physical appearance of one. I don't really mind this. In the end of the day it's right.
The moral of the story is that you shouldn't care about what others say.
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