I's very sorry for not uploading. Just busy.
Subject 1
Not so good financially,but tries to dress nice. Right handed, my age,small friend group, pretty disciplined
Subject 2
Right handed, peaceful, artistic,introverted, confident body language.
Sugject 3
- right handed
- mid-high financially
- does sport
- has caring parents
- knows how to handle money
- extrovert
- in a bad mood
- Likes bracelets
- grooms herself
- teacher
- likes books
- late 40's
- right-handed
Subject 5
- right handed
- introvert
- had a head injury
- smart
- good with people
Subject 6
- My age
- Right handed
- Shy
- Introvert
- Learnt in another school
- Wants to appear smart
- Buddhist
- Favorite color is pink
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