Knowing body language is very beneficial in deductions. It also is in every day life. Body language makes up the most of how people communicate. Emotions and personality is displayed on the daily. We use body language unconsously every second. We just have to observe how we do these little movements and such. As sherlock Holmes said: "You see, but you do not observe."
Knowing body language not only improved my social and bragging skills, but made me a much better liar. It has had many influences on my everyday life. I know when people lie, or my favorite thing to do: Look at people when they're writing a test or going out to the board. The many pacifiers I see occuring. It is a very fun thing to do, to just look at people's body language and see what they mean. Something truly great. The thing about deduction is thet it happens in the real world and has such an impact.
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