In the last entry, we left off at the lips. Now, the lips are the most touched part of the body/face to get touched to pacify oneself. We are going to continue with the torso and then, in the third post, the legs.
The neck
This will only be a quick mention. We touch it very scratchingly or grab it full force, with all your palm. It is a pacifier that distributes the heat throughout the neck when we think under stress. A very good example od this is Beth Harmon in 'The queen's gambit'. She always does this when she's in a rough situation mid-game.
The chest and belly
Repeatedly scrathing the chest and crossing your arms very close to your chest is a pacifier. The latter really hiding anxiety, because the chest and torso contain the most important organs. Like the heart and your very fragile digestive system. A person instinctively wants to protect that area. Also pro tip: do not observe girl's chests for longer than 0.000000000000001 seconds or you are going to be classified as a creep. This tip was for the men.
When the belly is displayed it usually means agression and someone wants to look intimidating.
This is it for today. The next entry will be about the limbs and the hips. Until then, try to observe all the different pacifiers that you , or other people display.
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