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Showing posts from February, 2024

Reddit deductions Part 2

 Now. The title of the blog is "Tales of an aspiring deductionist". I've been a smartass before and I am sorry for doing that. The best way to learn is to teach. That's why I'm a smartass. I've been  a deductionist for more than half a year and I'm still dogshit. I don't know everything I just try to share the knowledge that I've learnt throughout that time period.  With what out odf the way, we are moving on to my reddit deduction that I'll explain the steps and premises of. The picture I deduced was this: I wasn't able to get too much, but I'll settle with this. I ammiediately noticed the male atmospere of the room, and the male underwear on the floor. Then my eyes floated towards the dog picture on the wall. What sane person hangs up a framed picture of dogs when they don't like them, so naturally I think they're a dog person. They're unorganized. I got that from the lack of order of shirts in the closet. A "muggle&q

Checking in

 Hi. We haven't talked in a while. Don't worry I only became uninterested in the blogging part. I'm happy to say that I keep a great mindset in both deduction and life. I feel like I've matured with my new worldview. I call my mindset "The Smegma Grindset" mindset. I keep various quotes and goals in my head like "Someone is always ahead of you, so you gotta get ahead of yourself everyday."  Don't worry I will post weekly observations week 2 & 3 during the weekend. Just didn't want to mess with my notebook. The observations part are kind of a habit of mine alrady so in 2 weeks I'll be moving on to observing body language and then doing deductions for 3 weeks. This was a short checking in entry, but I just wanted to get back to my old style of blogging, just for a moment.  If you want to You can contact me at . Until next time... Happy Deducing!

Weekly deductions, week 1

 So I have been inactive, that's on me sorry. I've been training and deducing each day with doingat least one deduction  every day. I even restarted my observation stuff. I do observations every day for 3 weeks. I didn't manage to write down and save all of them, but I think this'll do for content.  - 2 guys wearing the same color clothes  - My classmate is wearing a "Lakers" cap wich is unusual, because they're not too famous here.  - A mysterious pink highlighter on the teacher's desk.  -  One guy has an attention disability  - Another classmate of mine has a new and expensive watch. Observing, and writing it down will for sure help me with my observation skills and overall mindfulness. Hopefully I will manage to do this for 3 weeks, because , when you do something for three weeks it becomes a habit. It is currently a Sunday, so hopefully tomorrow I'll manage to go out and dedicate a whole afternoon to deduction. Until then... Happy Deducing!

Guide to body language part III The return of the deductionist

 So, last time I explained the torso and such, but today we are going to examine the limbs (arms hand and feet) Let's get into it! Arms The arms are a tricky one. They're packed with pacifiers. The different ways we can grab or pet our arms are fun to observe. When people grab one arm with the other while looking down is a signal of shame. Grabbing the other arm behind the back is a signal of agitation or that the person is trying to soothe themselves. Nervousness really breaks out in the arms. When you are ashamed, you feel rather naked and you try to conceal your arms and your face. we've all felt the feeling that we can't do shit with our arms when we are in a rather shameful situation. Crossing the arms I had to include a little section, because I am actually really big on getting this to you accuarately. "Crossing the arms are a sign of agitation and dislike no matter what." is bullshit. There are two ways you cross your arms:  1 the self hug 2 the agitat