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Showing posts from November, 2023

Famous (fictional) deductionists and how I think they function

Famous deductionists have always existed, we just don't know them. Famous deductionist I'm going to be talking about here are going to be of course Sherlock Holmes and Patrick Jane. Both I adore. We will also going to be talking about mentalists. This is because A friend of mine opened my eyes to my mentalism skills, mostly meaning intuition. We will delve into that later. Sherlock Holmes Ah the old detective that started it all for me. He had hundreds of adaptations since his debut in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's first Sherlock Holmes story  A study in scarlet . My first meeting with the character on the screen was in 2020. In the middle of the quarantine, and intense boredom, I started watching the show. It truly felt so brilliant. I watched it around 4-5 times and then abandoned it. It was on netflix at the time and it wasn't in hungarian. With my limited english skills at the time I had to watch it with hungarian subtitles. The translation was horrible. A year later I S

Fantastic pacifiers and where to find them (body language)

 My frequent readers know at this point, that I enjoy being a smartass. I will build on that by being a smartass about body language. Now, since I started deducing I was never too good on the topic. Especially in the early days, being a complete newbie and trying to deduce body language with 1 single youtube video wasn't a good idea and I'm completely against what I had back then. Now I've gotten pretty good at body language and can even teach some of my friends about it. Now I'll explain what I have. Body language really only builds on the 2 instincts of humans. Fight and flight. Flight can be tricky because you can't just run away when faced with someone you don't like. Rather, you try to pacify yourself with various little motions, that when seen with the untrained eye, are just random motions. These little motions are called "pacifiers". Fight is irrelevant. I just wanted to build up the explanation.  Now. All of what I'm saying along with what

History written by me.

A lot of people start deduction because they saw the BBC Sherlock. I did too, It was the thing that made me desire this skill. I watched the show for the first time about 3 years before I started deduction. This is a very cool skill to have andit is just so big brain. I gradually forgot about this desire and didn't aid it. Then, 3 years later, I start watching the mentalist, because I lite TV shows like that, I go about 2 seasons, when Igo on a kayak race. We slept in tents and stayed up until late night. I, being alredy half asleep and having regained that desire of deduction, that I searched for something along the lines of " How to deduce?" "How to think like Sherlock Holmes" "The science of deduction" when I ran into the youtube channel, The art of deduction. It had a lot of good material on it, so I decided to check a video out. It was very good, and I think at this exact moment, my journey began to be a deductionist.  Proceeding to aid my thirst

Other's oponions

 Exuces, excuses I know, I know. I have been very focused on my personal life, because things are turning for the better. I am always observant and I try to deduce as much as I can. I just happen to not write any down.  Getting to the topic of today's entry, we have other's opinions. When I started deduction I really didn't have any backlash because I was only starting out, but now that I got at least intermediate I got some.  Firstly, they thought I was just guessing, because I always explained it as "looking at people and determining things". Wich is untrue as hell, because I already explained to you guys that intuition isn't used as much and I'm not guessing. Then came the accusations They said I was making presumptions. Wich is just... I don't really know about this one, but it's got a little truth in it, but until I look at things objectively this just simply stays untue. The other thing was me being a psycopath. I really can't react to th

Intuition & deduction

 Intuition. It's a thing that, if trained generally helps you with getting to know people. Also, looking through them. I'm currently working on the latter. Intuition is nothing that is like deduction, more like guessing. Very good guessing. In the show The Mentalist the protagonist, Patrick Jane uses his power of guesswork?  He uses what is called intuition and a fair bit of deduction. We'll get to that later. Now intuition is something that is quite trainable. I'm on the road of training it. Intuition is something that works subconsciously. You look at a person and it just happens. People often confuse intuition and deduction with presumption, and that is often thought of as "being racist". This slides into the social dilemma of deduction, that I'm probabli going to do an entry on.  How intuition works It basically works like this: You look at a person that is wearing very vibrant coloured clothes. A natural reaction in your brain is "This person mus

All right...

 I have, recently seen a little spike in my readers, so I thank you all for contributing in making my days. You guys have made many. Naturally I felt bad because I didn't post. I'm still very much interested in deduction, but I got some personal things that took up most of my time and attention. I've been observant though I didn't really write anything down, or at least I don't recall. I will try and make up for it with ome posts on the main blog (meaning longer entries). Until then... Happy deducing!